Lucky Numbers | 1pm–8pm
The last two digits of your Lucky North® Rewards card is your lucky number! Winning numbers called every 30 minutes. If your number is called, you could win $50 Free Play!
Must claim matches within 30 minutes of drawing.
Lucky Numbers – Rules & Regulations (pdf)
Anniversary Weekend Buffet | $19.99
Present your Lucky North® Rewards card to the Buffet cashier to receive $5 off in addition to your regular $2 member discount during regular Buffet hours.
21st Anniversary Tasting at Remedy | Friday, February 21 | 4pm – 7pm
Help us toast turning 21 with a tasting celebration at Remedy. Sample drinks from High Noon, Proverb wines, Genesee Brewing Company, and more!
Must be 21 to participate.
$30,000 Cash Spectacular | Grand Prize Drawing: Saturday, February 22 | 9:30pm
Your chance to win up to $21,000!
Click Here To Learn More!